Business Network Security

Keep Your Network Protected

When it comes to your business, you can’t afford to make mistakes. That’s why we’ve been providing businesses with the best network security services since 2008! Now, we’re bringing our expertise to you!

As hackers get smarter by the second and more sophisticated attacks are launched on businesses every day, you need an IT partner who can help protect your network from malicious activity. Our team will assess the security needs and vulnerabilities of your business so that we can build a network that is designed to meet those needs and protect against those vulnerabilities.

Ensure Your Business
Stays Secure.

Firewalls, switches, VLANs, anti-virus software, and malware… You may think these are just the buzzwords for a great sci-fi movie, but they are very real things that we can help you get, set up, monitor and maintain!

Firewalls & Switches

A firewall is a hardware or software-based system that monitors and controls network traffic. They can be used to protect a network from unauthorized access, prevent malicious attacks, and block viruses.

A network switch connects devices within a network (often a local area network, or LAN) and forwards data packets to and from those devices. Switches ensure that only authorized devices are able to connect to your network.

Our team can help find the perfect firewall or network switch solution for your business to help it stay secure and accessible to only the people you want it to be.


VLANs are a way to segment a network by function, department, or even location.

For example, you may have a company with multiple teams working on the same product. We can set up a VLAN to separate the networking traffic from each of these teams so that it does not impact other areas of your network. If you want users in different buildings or cities to be able to access shared resources but still protect them from one another’s traffic, then we can accomplish this by placing those users in different VLANs. This is useful for security reasons, as well as for better performance and management control over their own resources.

Anti-Virus Software & Malware Protection

Monitoring events and reporting attacks is a critical part of any network security system. One of the most common types of malware is a virus. Viruses are small programs that replicate themselves and damage files on your computer. They can also be transmitted to other computers via email or USB drives. Malware can be installed on a computer without the user’s knowledge, allowing it to steal information, damage files, take control of the computer and more.

RE2 Tech will monitor for malware attacks and keep malicious software from infecting your computers or stealing passwords so you can keep focus on what you do best–running your business.